Good things come to those who wait

Happy New Year!

It’s 2022, how did that happen? I suppose that there are many of us with the same thought… or not…

Time is something that is its own animal to a certain extent. We get busy focussing on one thing and it just goes… it flies.. it runs away with us.

Are You Ready?

At this point in Time, we can sit back on our haunches for a bit and wait.

Wait for what?

Well we can wait and watch the passing of time; or we can be using that space to really get to grips with the idea that we might have something to say, something to do, something to be, that we hadn’t really explored before.

This is January: the month dedicated to the Roman God Janus. The main blog for this WordPress site is The Janus Paradigm. This is all about space time. A pattern or model of situations and/or behaviours. There is much to be said about Janus as he is the God of doorways… a gatekeeper if you like. Think about it – from December to January, we have decided that this is our ‘page break’ our ‘new paragraph’ of the blog of our lives. We all have agreed, somehow somewhere to let old Pope Gregory rub out Pope Julien’s work and do some revisions (not entirely all, there are some places who still follow the Julien Calendar and their New Year is yet to come). It’s all about the Romans too; the months being named after them, Gods and Caesars.

Janus, the doorkeep

Janus, the two headed God, he can see the past and he looks forward to the future. He is also the God of Marriages and Contracts. He is the God of new beginnings. The story goes that he was present at the beginning of the world and he is the God of Gates. He is the one who has access to Heaven and the other Gods.

For today; be in the picture above, stand in that doorway, side on. Take this opportunity, before the door closes, to look where you have been. See it for what it was; the good, the bad, the indifferent. The useful the totally unecessary and choose something that you want to take with you into that bright unblemished future, that place just across the threshold.

To help make up your mind as you sit on your haunches contemplating this meditation; take that sneak peek into the future. Take a good look at what is beyond that door. As much of it as you can see that is. Of course we only get to catch a glimpse; a glimpse should be enough because beyond that door we have the choice to either continue walking our old talk; carrying all that old stuff around with us like Jacob Marley, or we get to choose to close the door on all of that and take forward only that which will serve us to be better at being ourselves.

Janus is there, for 31 days; enough time to allow you to make a plan and then make a contract with yourself and Janus of course.

This is a magical time. It is a time of change. A time of Growth. Two heads are definitely better than one now.

courtesy of cartoonstock Janus

Have a great New Year

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