Shifting The Shape of Success

What does success mean to you?

Ikagi: a Japanese concept to show meaning of life and…

What is success to you? Is it the culmination of years of work and effort to the expense of all else? The idea of the Japanese concept of Ikagi is about understanding and making meaning of purpose; our purpose in life.

Each of those circles represents some part of our lives: That which we love, that which is our passion, that which we deem our mission, our profession and our vocation. Last but very much not least; that for which we would be paid.

The circles are all linked, and they all intersect to reveal one space where Ikagai is found. The fulcrum. The one distinct but intangible thing that glues it all together. The concept that is the meaning maker of it all.

Perhaps the Ikagai is the key to our connection with Spirit.

As it encompasses all the psychological aspects of duty, care, passion, drive and the twin ideals of vocation and mission, all that is left is the inner Divinity of a Higher Self perhaps?

In Hawaiian Shamanism the Huna idea of the Aumakua, which is also deemed an Ancestral Soul part that is carried by us through reincarnation; it knows all, it has experience and knowledge we could never have access to other than when we connect with it fully.

There are many times we put success down to intuition, just some idea that came from nowhere… know where… Think on that for a moment.

To know where to think so that the answer may be found.

We have a train of thought; therefore we have stations, platforms where knowledge can alight and board that train of thought: there are ocasions where missing the train or derailment can be variables in this metaphorical journey.

Where are the limits of your imagination?

Have you spent time thinking and mithering over ways to become successful in a venture? Did the thought ever occur that this venture was not what you really wanted; deep down you were less than invested in the idea of it?

Did that Dastardly Sabateur, the deeper ensconced Opponent, rise up and whisper in the dark ‘do you really think you will do well here?’

Sabotaged Trains of Thought

Let’s talk about limitations for a moment.

When you talk of what you want to do; what you want to be successful doing, do you ever hear yourself put a limit on that?

Any time there is a ‘but’ in the sentence there’s a place to start. It might be that you don’t want to be seen as arrogant? This is someone’s opinion and not a fact. Arrogance is all about the energy behind the action. The word is the descriptor of that energy. So listen to the limiting descriptors YOU say, not what others gift to you.

Limitations are ubiquitous in life. We get them from our parents and Grandparents, we then progress to our peers when we go to nursery school and onwards. There is always some ‘A’ type personality, which may even have been you yourself, saying ‘you can’t do that because…’ and whatever goes at the end of what they say, it really should be ‘because I don’t believe I could do, like, be that, so don’t you dare make me look weak by doing it instead.’

Somewhere along the line though they evolve from remembered phrases to thoughts riding on the great horses of emotion and then they become edicts we live by, that we now believe to be true.

I invite you to be Limitless this year. I invite you to seek out connection to your Aumakua or Ikagai or your Higher Self, whichever floats your boat.

Find out how limitless you can be by learning to Journey to the Drum. We are holding Shamanic Journeying taster sessions for beginners the first is on the 26th of January come and have some fun. Reconnect with your inner Child and your SuperPowers!

Remember when you could do ANYTHING?

Good things come to those who wait

Happy New Year!

It’s 2022, how did that happen? I suppose that there are many of us with the same thought… or not…

Time is something that is its own animal to a certain extent. We get busy focussing on one thing and it just goes… it flies.. it runs away with us.

Are You Ready?

At this point in Time, we can sit back on our haunches for a bit and wait.

Wait for what?

Well we can wait and watch the passing of time; or we can be using that space to really get to grips with the idea that we might have something to say, something to do, something to be, that we hadn’t really explored before.

This is January: the month dedicated to the Roman God Janus. The main blog for this WordPress site is The Janus Paradigm. This is all about space time. A pattern or model of situations and/or behaviours. There is much to be said about Janus as he is the God of doorways… a gatekeeper if you like. Think about it – from December to January, we have decided that this is our ‘page break’ our ‘new paragraph’ of the blog of our lives. We all have agreed, somehow somewhere to let old Pope Gregory rub out Pope Julien’s work and do some revisions (not entirely all, there are some places who still follow the Julien Calendar and their New Year is yet to come). It’s all about the Romans too; the months being named after them, Gods and Caesars.

Janus, the doorkeep

Janus, the two headed God, he can see the past and he looks forward to the future. He is also the God of Marriages and Contracts. He is the God of new beginnings. The story goes that he was present at the beginning of the world and he is the God of Gates. He is the one who has access to Heaven and the other Gods.

For today; be in the picture above, stand in that doorway, side on. Take this opportunity, before the door closes, to look where you have been. See it for what it was; the good, the bad, the indifferent. The useful the totally unecessary and choose something that you want to take with you into that bright unblemished future, that place just across the threshold.

To help make up your mind as you sit on your haunches contemplating this meditation; take that sneak peek into the future. Take a good look at what is beyond that door. As much of it as you can see that is. Of course we only get to catch a glimpse; a glimpse should be enough because beyond that door we have the choice to either continue walking our old talk; carrying all that old stuff around with us like Jacob Marley, or we get to choose to close the door on all of that and take forward only that which will serve us to be better at being ourselves.

Janus is there, for 31 days; enough time to allow you to make a plan and then make a contract with yourself and Janus of course.

This is a magical time. It is a time of change. A time of Growth. Two heads are definitely better than one now.

courtesy of cartoonstock Janus

Have a great New Year

Seeking Shangri la

Seeking Shangri la

Since the age of about 6 years old I have had more than just a hankering to visit Tibet. At the age of 60 years old, I got there.

It brings to mind the old sayings of ‘Spirit takes it’s own time to bring your dreams to light; and the very old ‘be careful what you ask for’. Why you may ask, since I have had my dream come true?

Dreams and wishes are the stuff that make our Shangri la’s are they not? That place that exists in a space between worlds.

I never stopped believing that one day I would get to Lhasa. Why? Well I had a ‘happening’ when I was very young. I would have been around the age of 6.

From that moment on I had the desire to get to Tibet. I learned all I could about it. Later I would learn about the Book of the Dead and their medicine. The role of the Shaman in their belief system, and one more thing… I was gifted a dream.

It was that dream that I connected with the Spirit of Shangri La. I was very aware of the turbulence happening in Tibet, what is deemed by the occupying country as the liberation of the Tibetan people. Though they were not actually given a choice. The Spirit is still there, the people are curious, ever smiling and hospitable always.

A blessing from a Lady in the Potala Palace, former residence of Dalai Lama

Tibet is a vast and unique space. There is so much there that is in two planes of being. The earthly plane and the Spiritual. It comes down to energy in the end. It is all ways energy. A great deal of it will be required to redress the balance. Not just here but elsewhere too.

We could almost kiss the sky, yes Jimi Hendrix jumped straight into my head. The sky did seem so close, close enough to touch and I caught myself on occasion thinking of Chicken-licken – perhaps it was the altitude.

mount Kailash

We were there to circumnambulate Mt. kailash. It is such a sight to see, and the prayer flags fluttering in the morning breezes made it all the more magical and sacred. Kailash is already a Sacred place, there are a few ways to get up and around. The first way is to walk, but you better be really fit. The other ways are by pony or by Yak. Our kit bags were taken up by Yaks. This is a dying mode of transport. The Yak is being edged out of it’s place in the Tibetan culture. There are now incommers of European breeds of cattle being farmed. The Yak is a nomads beast you see. Nomadic life is it seems is to be something that used to be.

A great pity. A great pity indeed. Like the Reindeer People of Siberia & Mongolia one idea has supplanted a whole way of life. A whole way of understanding how to be of and with the land and animals living there.

I am indeed grateful to have been able to be there now before the wealth of wonder and magic and culture disapears.

The Monks debating & chanting Mantras